Under its core program, ETP can only fund training for employers which are subject to paying the Employment Training Tax. The core-funded ETP Program is supported by this tax. ETP can contract directly with the following entities:
- Single Employers subject to Unemployment Insurance tax and having a California Employer Account Number (CEAN) with a prefix of 699 or lower;
- Group of Employers, including Chamber of Commerce, Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees, Trade Association or Economic Development Corporations;
- Training Agencies include the following educational institutions: Community College or Community College District; University or University foundations; Adult School; Regional Occupation Program; Private training agency with at least a two-year history of providing training and placement services to the public, and appropriate certification;
- Workforce Developments Boards (WDB) (formerly Workforce Investment Boards) with the approval of appropriate local elected officials in the local workforce investment areas. The current EDD One-Stop Career Center Listing provides a list of Workforce Development Boards located through California; and
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Grant Recipients or WIA Administrative Entitites selected pursuant to the federal workforce Investment Act of 1998, with the approval of the local Workforce Development Board and the appropriate local elected officials. The current EDD Local Workforce Investment Area Listing of One-Stop Career Centers represents a list of WIA Grant Recipients and Administrative Entities through California.